My tryst with Pune Running

I was running alone for the last 6 months and I was quite happy with this new found activity. I had very simple goals, target 5 km at the start and then move on towards completing 10k and then maybe a half marathon. I was able to run 5 km easily after a few days of practice but I was not able to push myself harder after a few months. I stayed in my comfort zone.

And then the dip started.

The days I used to run, I felt really good and the days I did not run, I knew there was something amiss. But still when the alarm bell rang, I would find imaginary excuses to keep me in bed. This was the end of my running journey I thought. How could I motivate myself to wake up at 6. 

This was impossible. The End. I thought.

Then one fine morning, when I managed to wake up by divine intervention, I went running. My path crossed with the Pune Running team. Utpal already knew me as I had covered one of the Pune Running events as a photographer. He might have been shocked to see me so early. Instead with a big smile he asked me to follow them. Instinctively I took a u turn and here I was running with a group.

The game changer. The inflexion point.

The leaders of the group were running at a high pace and slowly I got tired playing catch up. I still had 2 km to go before the end and I was wondering why I woke up that morning 😛 I started to walk and to my surprise, Akash who was running just in front of me slowed his pace and asked me to keep going. I told him to continue but he didn’t listen. He knew that I was new and was ready to give up if not for his support. Till the end of the course, he kept pushing me. I had run that day after a week I guess .. And I covered around 6 km.

Out of breath. But much wiser.

We then went to Aditi Garden and did some stretching exercises. My body felt much more relaxed. I knew that I had to join the group. After 2 or 3 days I went on another run with them and this time I clocked 7.8 km and the next day we had a session specifically on strengthening our body. Then the next day I ran 6.4 km. Some days I have a pain in my leg while running but I know that it will go away after the wonderful stretching session. My pace is a little slow and I am normally the last one reaching the end point but I am happy that I am crossing my limits on a daily basis. Right now I am focused on increasing my running mileage rather than pace and I confess that running in a group has done wonders.



I am meeting new people who love running and who help me to keep going. Abhishek, my namesake, helps me to wake up in the morning if I ignore my alarm. These days I am the one waking him up but it is always better to have a partner in crime 😛 The group also organizes longer runs(> 10 km ) on Sundays. which will help test my mettle further.


After reading all of this, you might me thinking that you do not have the time for this, there are a zillion other things to do but let me tell you that it is very important that you must take out some time of the day or the week to play or to exercise. This then becomes a firm commitment towards your health and gives you a guilt free break from your work too. I do not want you to join Pune Running specifically but if you promise to spend 1 hour a day towards your physical fitness, I will consider that the purpose of writing these 734 words was served 🙂


“Winning has nothing to do with racing. Most days don’t have races anyway. Winning is about struggle and effort and optimism, and never, ever, ever giving up.”

For more inspiration subscribe to RW Quote of the Day and for help in execution join a group like Pune Running.


Don’t judge yourself. Just Deliver.

I create a facebook page for posting my photographs. I try postponing this because I am scared about the response. With great courage, I create a page and share it with my friends. But I am still scared about the feedback. I keep checking the site during the day but it doesn’t add any value.

Similarly we write something on the internet and then we try to check what is the response to what we had written. If the response is good then it gives us a high and distracts us from our current action. If the response is bad then our whole day is affected and if we get no response then we become more anxious.

But people need to understand that seeing the response randomly is not very productive. I know feedback is very important but there should be enough time given to judge your efforts. Just as in statistics there is a minimum data to be considered before we take a decision, in the same way enough time should be given for proper feedback. If after that, the response is bad or meek at best, you can worry how to do better the next time around 🙂

So just ship and don’t look in the mirror
unless it’s the end of the day.


These will be the years ..

Lately I have been addicted to this song .. the piano tune at the start is haunting and addictive but it is the lyrics which compel me to click the replay button. This song really forces me to think about things that matter for me when pessimism creeps in. Executing my plans might be a different ball game altogether but simply making a choice consciously is a major step in my opinion .To think positively amidst all the noise that life brings forth .. is a challenge in itself.

So to do justice to this song and its lyrics I thought of filling in the blanks after the statement “These will be the years .. “ and trying to change my life by making a few simple choices.

“These will be the years .. “

  • when I fall in love with running in the morning and being fit in general
  • when I do what I am really passionate about
  • when I find the love of my life
  • when I get over my fears of making a mistake
  • when my good habits are deeply ingrained
  • when I expect more from myself
As the part of the lyrics goes ..
My hands are tied
But now they’re mine
To grab on to desire and run away
So what are you waiting for ?? You have no excuses not to try and make your own dent in the universe.